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It's small foxes,
all the way down.

... a tiny, tiny, high-energy ECS!

fennecs Entity-Component Systemfennecs Entity-Component System
Discord: ⤜outfox⤏DownloadsGitHub top languageLicense: MIT

Ok, what the fox? Another ECS?!

Neofox: facepalm We know... oh, we know.

In a tiny nutshell, we hope that this one hits different. Straight up:

fennecs is an archetype-based 🔗Entity-Component System.

ECS is an architecture and Design Pattern most commonly used in Game Development and Simulation Software, applying various principles of Data-Oriented Design to leverage the capabilities of modern CPUs.

fennecs strictly adheres to its design principles of reducing boilerplate and cognitive load first and foremost. Second we explore innovative approaches to structuring and querying component data without sacrificing flexibility.

Despite this primary focus, you may discover that fennecs still punches way above its weight in terms of performance. Our cheeky little library lives up to its name by all at once being small, clever, quick, and full of delightfully terrible puns!

Come on in, check out the fox, uhh, docs!

fennecs is released under the MIT License. Neofox is released under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 License.