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3-Body Problem

The three-body problem is a classic problem in physics and mathematics that involves predicting the motion of three or more bodies under mutual attractive influences.

a fennec weaing a chrome-plated VR headset

Trisolarians, Trishmolarians ...

1:N and N:M relations with Entities continuously influencing each other in complex ways have always been a challenge to model in Entity-Component Systems!

This drawback often affects typical gameplay scenarios such as characters following leaders, flocking, gravitational simulations, group threat/safety assessments, and more.

Neofox: think PAWS FOR THOUGHT: Wanna know why it's difficult?

Such features require expensive additional or reverse lookups that do not scale well with the rest of the ECS design, interrupting the normal execution flow, often even requiring external data structures to collate the information.

This is a common problem in ECS design, where the iteration over Entities is the main performance benefit, and the need for additional lookups can quickly negate that benefit.

And worst of all, it will require the loop to be broken up on the source code level, making it harder to maintain and understand.

But our Lord lot provides...

fennecs's relation features allow users to model many of those scenarios with ease - reaping the full benefits of ECS iteration without having to exit the loop!

In this recipe, we'll show you how to simulate a simple 3-Body stellar system, where each body exerts a gravitational pull on all others.

Implementing the Simulation


The setup for the 3-Body Problem is hard-coded to fully illustrate its three-by-three relationship.

If you're a generalization nerd, this demo is a concrete example that uses the same simulation loop, but focuses on a more generic setup step (with batched setup of Entities and Relations).

It demonstrates how to procedurally set up and simulate not only an arbitrary number of bodies, but also coexisting simulations without changing any of the simulation code.

Here's how we can simulate the 3-body problem using fennecs:

// The Body component represents a celestial body in the simulation.
// It stores the body's position and mass, and is used as both a
// plain component and a relation component, as a shareable component.
class Body // shareable (reference type)
    public Vector3 position;
    public float mass { init; get; }

// The Velocity component stores the current velocity of a body.
record struct Velocity(Vector3 Value);

// The Force component accumulates the total force acting on a body.
record struct Force(Vector3 Value);

// The Position component represents the current position of a body.
record struct Position(Vector3 Value);
var world = new World();
const int bodyCount = 3;

// Define the initial positions of the bodies
var p1 = new Vector3(-10, -4, 0);
var p2 = new Vector3(0, 12, 0);
var p3 = new Vector3(7, 0, 4);

// Create the Body components for each celestial body
var body1 = new Body{position = p1, mass = 2.0f};
var body2 = new Body{position = p2, mass = 1.5f};
var body3 = new Body{position = p3, mass = 3.5f};

// Spawn the entities representing the celestial bodies
var sun1 = world.Spawn();
sun1.Add(new Position {Value = body1.position});

var sun2 = world.Spawn();
sun2.Add(new Position {Value = body2.position});

var sun3 = world.Spawn();
sun3.Add(new Position {Value = body3.position});

// Set up the relations between the bodies
sun1.AddRelation(sun1, body1);
sun1.AddRelation(sun2, body2);
sun1.AddRelation(sun3, body3);

sun2.AddRelation(sun1, body1);
sun2.AddRelation(sun2, body2);
sun2.AddRelation(sun3, body3);

sun3.AddRelation(sun1, body1);
sun3.AddRelation(sun2, body2);
sun3.AddRelation(sun3, body3);
// Query to accumulate forces acting on each body
var accumulator = world
    .Query<Force, Position, Body>(Match.Plain, Match.Plain, Match.Entity)

// Query to update velocities and positions based on the accumulated forces
var integrator = world
    .Query<Force, Velocity, Position>()

// Query to copy the updated positions back to the Body components
var consolidator = world
    .Query<Position, Body>(Match.Plain, Match.Plain)
// Main simulation loop
// Assumes a fixed time step of 0.01 seconds (100 fps)

// Clear all forces at the start of each iteration
accumulator.Blit(new Force { Value = Vector3.Zero });

// Accumulate gravitational forces between bodies
    (ref Force force, ref Position position, ref Body attractor) =>
        var distanceSquared = Vector3.DistanceSquared(attractor.position, position.Value);
        if (distanceSquared < float.Epsilon) return; // Avoid self-interaction
        var direction = Vector3.Normalize(attractor.position - position.Value);
        force.Value += direction * attractor.mass / distanceSquared;

// Update velocities and positions based on the accumulated forces
    (ref Force force, ref Velocity velocity, ref Position position, float dt) =>
        velocity.Value += dt * force.Value;
        position.Value += dt * velocity.Value;
    }, 0.01f);

// Copy the updated positions back to the Body components
    (ref Position position, ref Body body) =>
        body.position = position.Value;

In this simulation:

  1. We define the necessary components: Body, Velocity, Force, and Position.
  2. We set up the initial state by spawning entities for each celestial body and establishing the relations between them.
  3. We create queries to accumulate forces, update velocities and positions, and synchronize the positions back to the Body components.
  4. In the main simulation loop, we perform the following steps:
    • Clear the accumulated forces.
    • Calculate the gravitational forces between bodies using the accumulator query.
    • Update the velocities and positions based on the accumulated forces using the integrator query.
    • Copy the updated positions back to the Body components using the consolidator query.

By leveraging fennecs' efficient query system and component-based architecture, we can simulate the complex interactions of the 3-body problem in a clean and performant manner.


Although fennecs has tangible speed benefits when iterating over Entities since it retains its cache coherent data layout and loop structure, an N:N relation still implies runtime complexity o(n²)!

Alas, an elegant real-time approximation to simulate the 1-Million-Body-Problem remains elusive.

You'll be fine if you stay below maybe 100 ~ 300 members per clique, though. Pinky promise.

To simulate larger interconnected systems, consider researching optimization techniques such as spatial partitioning, algebraic approximation, or hardware acceleration to reduce the computational burden.

fennecs is released under the MIT License. Neofox is released under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 License.